
Monday, December 20, 2010

"Okay every African dictator ever - you lost the elections now give up power." - The League season finale.

The League on FX is pretty damn entertaining.  And even though I haven't really followed football in years, the show - ostensibly about a fantasy football league - doesn't require any knowledge of the current status quo in the sport [though it probably couldn't hurt.]

When the previous season's champion lost this year and was unwilling to give up the league trophy without a stats recount, he was met with the "Okay every African dictator ever - you lost the elections now give up power" line, which given our current clime and place, made me and the Mrs just fall out laughing.  Especially what with's going on next door in the Ivory Coast.  Too funny.  You know, funny in that 'Wow isn't the comedy of the common knowledge of Africa's corrupt failed states' kind of funny.

The sad part of it is that it wasn't even trying to be topical, given that filming probably finished way in advance of the Ivory Coast's current troubles.  It's just the concept of a corrupt African dictator is such a well known stereotype that it penetrates even into comedies shown to suburban middle America.

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