
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Kazushi Sakuraba wears what may be the greatest T-shirt of all time.

"Protein.  Water.  Liquor.  Necessities."
How did I miss this when I was in Japan?  [Google shows he was first wearing it around May.  Stupid me, teaching kids and thinking about having to leave Japan after 5 years...]  Sadly, he only appears to have Japanese size SMALL on his website.  Which would only fit around, I think, one of my legs.  Boo.  Hiss.


  1. Hey Rob, I was just wondering if you ever bought the shirt? I've been looking for one myself for ages but it seems he doesn't sell it on the website anymore. Please let me know if you've found one or know where to find it. Thanks

  2. Nope, never had any luck. Friend of mine in Japan called direct, and all they had was some Japanese 'small' sizes, and this was probably about a year ago.
