
Friday, December 10, 2010

I'd make a great 1950's housewife, apparently.

The Mrs had an event to prep for where she had not as much time as required. And given I've nothing but a wealth of time... well, you can see where this is going...
Tossed salad, tea sandwiches and dessert.  Cleaning, cutting, slicing, soaking, marinating, chopping, scoring and mixing.  I can see why 50's housewives lost their shit and fomented the women's rights revolution.  Tea sandwiches are a bitch.  Why can't you have crusts?  And how much crazy spread do you need to make sure that bread doesn't get soggy?  Not to mention, in Liberia, bread is a pain to deal with/cut/curse at while it comes apart in your hands.  Never in my life have I so much desired a loaf of Wonder Bread.
Must go do something manly now...

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