
Thursday, December 02, 2010

Hobo Twist!* Wikileaks #cablegate as disinfo/cointelpro.

Pretty darn unlikely, too many moving parts and would require too many folks [as mentioned in the comments] to tamp down their fevered egos...  so unlikely, yes.  But with intel, thinking layers upon layers is fun, if non-productive. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!  Besides, he namechecks RAW's The Illuminatus Trilogy in the first paragraph FTW.

The Wikileaks Twist - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine:
"*Historian of the neocons Jacob Heilbrunn at the National Interest on cui bono? from the latest leaks? Obama bono! (Or Cui Obama!, I ain't no Roman, mea Americanus!)"

*'Hobo Twist!' a catchphrase developed by my esteemed wife and one of her friends when watching a TV show with an unforeseen plot twist-y development.  Why "Hobo Twist!"  I don't remember... but it's a phrase that rolls off the tongue like milk&honey, so I have stolen it.  Hobo Twist!

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