
Monday, November 22, 2010

Wil Wheaton brings the amusingly well-written anecdote.

From childhood actor to accomplished literary draftsman.  I defy you not to be entertained and [if you click over] kinda touched.

good evening (and good night) - WWdN: In Exile:
"...She closed her magazine and tossed it onto the coffee table. 'Where do you want to go?'

'Someplace we haven't gone before. That'll be an adventure.'

Yeah, I've been suburbanized so long, going to a restaurant I haven't been to before now qualifies as an adventure. Twenty-two year-old Wil just put down his copy of Naked Lunch long enough to shake his head in either sadness, or disgust, depending on what angle you're looking at him from.

"Let's try that cafe on Raymond," she said.

So we did, and it was amazing, and we'll be going back frequently in the weeks and months to come.

(Parenthetical highlight: during our meal, a woman in her late 40s, wearing a fur leopard-print bucket hat and a shiny patent leather overcoat sat down next to us. It was such a stunning display of wrongness that I involuntarily stopped talking in mid word, and just stared at Anne. She looked back at me and very calmly said, "I have ... comments." I laughed so hard, it must have looked like I was having a seizure.)"

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