
Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Day in Liberia...

...consisted of the Embassy/military/expat community potluck shindig.  Pleasant vistas, nice folks & tasty food.

 Campari & Orange.  To defend against the scurvy.
 "Hello.  We're awesome.  Nice to meet you."
 The ambassador addresses the folks.
 Culinary goodness.  Turkey, ham, biscuits, mashed potatoes and mac & cheese [of two varieties... both almost as good as the Mrs' baked mac & cheese awesomeness.  Almost.]  I'd heard there were veggies somewhere, but not on my plate, thank Buddha.
 The only 'wild' animal I've seen in Africa.  If by 'wild' you mean 'running around on the Embassy compound.'  Somebody tried to sell the wife a monkey once though.
 Obligatory annual Thanksgiving viewing of "The Sound of Music."


  1. Very nice!!! Looks just like your Japan Thanksgiving =)
    Happy Turkey day!!
