
Friday, November 19, 2010

Oh North Carolina...

Not Always Right | Funny & Stupid Customer Quotes » Spelling Gone Rogue:
"Caller: “I have a question about my account.”

Me: “I’d be happy to help! What email address do you use to log in?”

Caller: “It’s rogue@[email host].com”

Me: “Sorry sir, I can’t seem to find that email in the system. To confirm, let me spell out the full address: r-o-g-u-e@[email host].com?”

Caller: “No it’s *****r-o-u-g-e!”

Me: “Oh, rouge like the makeup. The word “rogue” is spelled r-o-g-u-e.”

Caller: “That’s not how rogue is spelled! I can’t believe how stupid your customer service is!”

Me: “If you want to be sure, you can check a dictionary for the correct spelling.”

Caller: “Fine, I will! I’m going to search right now!”

(A minute passes as he searches.)

Caller: “F***! I’ve been using this email for years! I can’t believe my guild members never pointed this out to me!” *hangs up*"

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