
Monday, November 15, 2010

"Notes From Tokyo" lists "Reasons to love living in Japan."

And nails it in one, actually.  But my faves below.  Ah, natsukashii.

Reasons to love living in Japan « Notes From Tokyo:
"1. Public intoxication: It’s legal, it’s fun, it’s a way of life. If you pass out on the sidewalk in America, you’re a bum. If you pass out on the sidewalk in Tokyo, you’re the average, hard-working business man... 
15. Sleeping in public: I really like this one! In Tokyo, it’s totally normal to sleep on the train, or to put your head down in Starbucks or MacDonald’s to take a short nap. It can be really rejuvenating! But you do the same in America and chances are you’ll wake up with your wallet missing. Either that, or people will just assume you’re sick/homeless...
17. Japanese kids are just cuter. And maybe its something in the water, but they’re all well-behaved, too!  [Um, well behaved?  All of them?  Nah.  But def cuter.  There's just something about chubby Asian babies/kids. - Rob]

43. Combinis or convenient stores. Always there, always open. Always have something delicious inside waiting to be eaten by me...

48. Japanese girls are hot. And when they’re not hot, they’re at least amusing to look at...

51. Tatamis: Japanese flooring made out of rice straw. It’s beautiful and smells nice. It makes sitting on the floor enjoyable...

55. Good costumer service.  [God, yes.  The contrast w/Liberia, the nation of "I will grudgingly do my job, a little, when I feel like getting around to it, is... high.  I miss Japanese customer service everytime I go out.  No joke. - Rob]

60. Yakuza. Asian gangsters are way cooler than white ones. Especially since they get such bad ass tattoos...

61. The mind your own business mentality. If you’re bleeding from the eyeballs in the middle of the road, this mentality can prove to be fatal. But if its 6:30 in the morning and you’re obviously just coming home after a long night of partying dressed in sequins and spandex, stuck on a crowded train smelling of cigarettes and booze, the fact that everyone around ignores you because they don’t want to embarrass you is actually kind of comforting. Japanese people are trained to strictly mind their own business, which is why in Tokyo there are so many weirdos that can get away with almost anything. In fact, it seems the stranger your behavior, the more people pretend you aren’t there..."

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