
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Celibate, cross-dressing German magician embraces 19th century technology - "Pope Benedict XVI says condom use is acceptable in 'single justified cases.'"

My cynical nature, I'm sure, but given the wiggle room/mistranslation they talk about in the link, I fully expect the Vatican to start walking this back once the weekend is over.

Pope, condoms: Pope Benedict XVI says condom use is acceptable in 'single justified cases' -
"In a seemingly offhand remark that caught the Roman Catholic world by surprise, Pope Benedict XVI appears to have relaxed, at least slightly, the Vatican's longstanding adamant opposition to the use of condoms.

In a book-length interview with a German journalist, portions of which were released Saturday, the pontiff said that under some circumstances it might be acceptable for a prostitute — or, in some translations, a male prostitute — to use a condom."

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