
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bloody Samurai - V8/Vodka/Wasabi/Worcestershire/Salt&Pepper - I'm a genius/you're welcome.

Obviously a variation on the classic Bloody Mary.  And while there are versions called Bloody Geisha/Bloody Ninja - where you replace the vodka with sake [must try, btw] and Bloody Shogun - replacing the horseradish w/wasabi and the worcestershire w/teriyaki sauce - I haven't found a variation [online, at least] of what I've thrown together.

So, first we take the classic Bloody Mary (cocktail) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"...recipe as taught by the New York School of Bartending:
1 oz. to 1.5 oz. (30-45 ml) vodka in a highball glass filled with ice.
Fill glass with tomato juice
1 dash celery salt
1 dash ground black pepper
1 dash Tabasco sauce
2-4 dashes Worcestershire sauce
1/8 tsp. horseradish (pure, never creamed)
Dash of lemon or lime juice
Garnish with celery stalk.
May be shaken vigorously or stirred lazily, as desired."
Then, we adjust for the lazy Japanophile. Omit the celery salt, the tabasco, the horseradish, the lemon or lime juice & the celery stalk. Use V8 or tomato juice, vodka or sake [see below], worcestershire, salt & pepper. Fewer ingredients, the better. And it must be shaken, not stirred, especially since you're omitting the celery.

So now, the official recipes for the:

"Bloody Samurai"
V8 or Tomato Juice [to taste]*
Vodka [to taste]
Wasabi [to taste]
Worcestershire Sauce [to taste]
Salt & Pepper [to taste]
Shaken, with ice.
"Bloody Samurai's Revenge"
V8 or Tomato Juice [to taste]
Sake [to taste]
Wasabi [to taste]
Worcestershire Sauce [to taste]
Salt & Pepper [to taste]
Shaken, with ice.
*All ingredients "to taste" because who am I to tell you what to do? You know what you like, ignore me.  Besides, I don't measure anything. [I have this recurring memory of Dom DeLuise, in his cooking stint, appearing on some daytime talk show shouting "Measure Everything!" while throwing ingredients around haphazardly like a madperson. Defines my cooking and drinking styles, that - And Dom DeLuise was a funny dude.]

All I know is I dig the saltiness of the tomato juice, the savory feel of the worcestershire and the spicy kick of the wasabi. Plus, you know, the alcohol doesn't hurt.

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