
Sunday, September 05, 2010

To Liberia; Accra Airport/Ghana's most unusual Welcome sign.

So, JFK to Accra, Ghana enroute to Liberia.  Exit the plane, going through immigration and lo and behold, what do I see.  The most polite sign ever warning off pedophiles and sexual deviants.
Didn't have my camera handy, but knew - just KNEW - somebody would have already put it up on the internets.  Via Liberia Stories: A Welcome Sign

And you know, it's kind of funny - for being just so unusual - until it's not.  First, the fact that this kind of sign is needed at all is really kind of disturbing.  And second, when you know that in Ghana "sexual deviants" means any form of male homosexuality is illegal and punishable by jail time, it changes the perspective.

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