
Monday, August 23, 2010

Mission Accomplished - The KFC Double Down.

When I first red about it months ago in Japan, I knew I had to have one when I got back. First, because nanny-state nincompoops were decrying it as the food apocalypse, and two, a bunless sandwich w/chicken, cheese & bacon = MASSIVE WIN.

And also, if you actually look at the FACTS, it's not all that bad for you/better than other fast food. To wit: Fat Head - I Doubled Down And Lived To Tell:
"KFC has added the Double Down to its online nutrition menu, so I looked it up...
Calories: 540
Fat: 32
Saturated Fat: 10
Protein: 53
Carbohydrate: 11

Hmmm … seems to me we’re looking at a high-protein, high-fat, low-carbohydrate meal without too many calories. Compared to a lot of other fast-food offerings out there, it’s actually a pretty good choice. Here’s the nutrition info for a Quarter Pounder With Cheese, for example:
Calories: 510
Fat: 26
Saturated Fat: 12
Protein: 29
Carbohydrate: 40

The Double Down provides a bit more fat, a lot more protein, and barely one-quarter of the carbohydrates. So this is the sandwich that proves KFC wants us all dead? You’ve got to be kidding me. I think it just proves KFC wants us feeling satisfied."

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