
Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Clearly my 3 weeks of not working out/laziness, alcohol and junk food has not killed this lingering sore throat/cough/general malaise I've been fighting. So my medical qualifications in figuring out treatment options are obviously nil.

Additionally, as I come to my last month in Japan, time seems to be speeding up exponentially, leaving me with little inclination or free time to blog my workouts [which I started back at yesterday, albeit slightly.]

So from now until my next training post - a few months hence - lets assume my AM workout will be some slight yoga/sun salutations and my PM wkout will be bodyweight/band work [since I've donated my weights to the less fortunate (Hi Mike!)] alternated with some shadowboxing. And that I'm working on cleaning up my diet after my 3 week binge [except for, apparently, the 4-5 sobetsukais I've got coming down the pipe.]

See you on the other side.

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