
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"The House Rules"/Christian Kane rocks. Plus, watch me explain the internets economy.

So, long time fan of Warren Ellis.  He wrote a kickass miniseries called Global Frequency which was optioned for TV.  A pilot was made by TV writer/ubermind John Rogers, who keeps an awesome blog called Kung Fu Monkey.  Global Frequency didn't get picked up, but Rogers went on to be the showrunner for Leverage, a brilliant heist/con show.  One of the stars of Leverage is Christian Kane, who's acting work I already dug from his time on Angel.  I'd read/heard he also did music, but given it was country, wasn't really motivated to search it out.  I can dig on some country, especially old school like Johnny Cash or Willie Nelson, or old style rockabilly like Elvis, but tend to gravitate to hip-hop & rock.  This past week's episode of Leverage was an ep set in the country music industry and Christian Kane did some singing.  I thought "Hey, he's actually pretty damn good, and I dig that song."  Head to his website to see if there's a way to legally buy/dl the song living overseas - and there is - and for a few bucks more I can pick up an EP he did.  Sold.

And that's how you sell stuff in the 21st century economy.

And on the EP, this jam - "The House Rules" - totally kicks ass.  A rockin' grinding rockabilly anthem.  Had this thing on replay for the last 48 hours or so.  Made of Win.

'Welcome to my house, buckle up tight, everybody sings and drinks and laughs and gets high...'

'Rule # 7 says don't touch the women, but they can grab whatever they want to...'

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