
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

And just like that, I'm not a teacher anymore. End of JET.

Still on the clock until the 30th, but burning off leave/nenkyu till then.  And still have something like 4 more farewell type gatherings with friends, co-workers &family, but today was the last day with the students.  And really, my time here in Japan has been defined by the time I was lucky enough to spend with the kids, so it really feels like the end today.

So that's it.  5 years as an ALT on the JET Programme -  it felt meaningful, I've enjoyed it, and been good at it.  Lucky enough to have hit the trifecta with this job.

Last day was... tough. Final class, final farewell speech to all the Jr High kids. Any veneer of toughness I've ever had vanishes when groups of kids say "We all love you Rob. Never forget us." 

Holy hell, that's like a kickpunchstab to the emotions box, I'll tell you what.

Managed to hold it together to give the farewell speech, but only by keeping my head down to read my bad Japanese.  Had I looked up & made eye contact w/the munchkins it would've been all over.

Harder was the wandering the halls and the sports clubs one last time after school, shaking hands and saying goodbye.  I ain't gonna lie, it hurt in that place where people tell me my heart is supposed to be.

A couple of my favorite 3rd Grade students this year went above and beyond the group letters the class made for me and gave me these cards.  Hard to say if they'll ever know just how great they were, how special I thought they were and what awesome kids they were.  [This is the only time I wish I'd have studied more Japanese.]  Just a fantastic couple of students.

I swear, if I don't make it back for their graduation I'm going to end up hating myself forever.

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