
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Weirdly vivid dreams...

...haven't had any of those in a while.

Till last night...  really vivid snake/python.  Within the dream, feelings of fear & panic.  Tend to think that despite my well honed powers of denial, the end of my 5 years in Japan and transitioning to Liberia is probably seeping through to the subconscious.

Snakes in Dreams:
"Snakes are symbolic of different things. ...a symbol of transformation. Snakes are often seen as symbols of life, death and rebirth. In North American native tribes, the shedding of the snake's skin is associated with life and a new beginning."
Snakes In A Dream! - Dreams:
"...snakes appearing in dreams can often symbolize a fear of the unknown. They can point to a deep seated anxiety that something isn't right or a nagging feeling that something is waiting for them, something bad, like a snake in the grass. Is there something going on in your life that you are afraid of doing simply because you've never done it before?

...Snakes shed their skin which is a classic symbol for ridding oneself of what one no longer needs in favor of accepting that which is new. The process of shedding its skin is not simple for a snake, nor is it so in our waking lives. In nature, snakes become cranky, irritable, and are more likely to bite while shedding their skins. We often react in the same manner when releasing old, worn out lives and situations. We have grown comfortable with our 'skin' even if that skin has become a source of irritation. A snake appearing in your dream may very well be telling you that despite the temporary discomfort you must go through, it may be time to release old relationships, careers, or habits in order to renew and reclaim your life."

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