
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Oh, Canada... fake law/real prison - "G20 police used imaginary law to jail harass demonstrators."

G20 police used imaginary law to jail harass demonstrators and jailed protestors in dangerous and abusive "detention center" - Boing Boing:
"Last week's G20 summit in Toronto saw the extraordinary -- and appalling -- use of outdoor caged 'detention centers' to house demonstrators who'd been arrested (and often ended up filled with random passers-by who were indiscriminately swept up police during the demonstrations).

Now the Toronto police have admitted that the law used to harass and search many of those demonstrators wasn't a real law, just something that they made up."


  1. LOL total geek moment, but this reminds me of a D&D game I once played. Two "cops" who had it in their mind to cause a ruckus.

    Cop: You're under arrest for trumped up charges!
    Victim: Wait, wha? You can't do that!?!
    Cop: Oh, resisting arrest are we? .

    I am shamed to be a Canadian for this weekend, but the gear-queer in me can't help but notice that their tear-gas launchers had Eotech holosights on them :P

  2. Oh yeah, it's love of cool gadgetry that's makes the ever increasing militarization of the police so deceptively ubiquitous. Impossible to turn off the gear fetish in the human race. Also explains the success of Apple :)
