
Sunday, November 08, 2009

Watched this week...

The Daily Show - particularly good this week. All too often Stewart will take guests from the media to task, but let political types he generally sympathizes with slide with typical political BS answers. I was impressed this week with his treatment of both Al Gore and David Plouffe. In response to nonsense answers he was far more cynical and questioning than usual. Good stuff.

But the highlight of the week was his Glenn Beck takedown. TDS continues to be one of the only sources that rightfully puts the inanity of modern news in its place [though The Onion is fairly deft as well, at times...]

Brutal takedown/parody/satire of the ridiculous talking heads that populate the media.

"Now obviously I'm not saying this is a plot by Hitler to steal Glenn Beck from us, internal organ by internal organ..."
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The 11/3 Project
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

Colbert Report, Modern Family, The Mentalist, The Office, Community, 30 Rock, FlashForward, Parks and Recreation, Friday Night Lights, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Smallville

NCIS - I enjoyed seeing their not so subtle critique this week of paramilitary operations like KBR and Blackwater. I know a lot of former military folks staff these operations, but they're creepy at best, evil at worst. How mercenaries ever became a part of our defense strategy is beyond me.

Star Trek Voyager Season 5 - in for the long haul, since I started watching the series before summer vacation. Overall, it's not a great show, and probably the worst of the Star Trek series, imho, but it does have occasion flashes of brilliance.

V - the new series, remake of the 80s show. First ep was deftly done. I dug it. Plus two Joss Whedon Firefly/Serenity alums - Alan Tudyk and Morena Baccarin, almost makes it must watch TV. Can't wait for the rat swallowing scene. Still remember the original from when I was a kid.

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