
Monday, October 12, 2009

Training Week.

Need to start posting these more often, or they turn into humonginormus things to write up...

10/12 - AM - Atlas Lesson 1 - 5 Tibetans x 10
PM - Rutten MMA Wkout/Boxing 3m rounds - hindu pushups, hindu squats, bridge, pullups, chins, air squats - Atlas Lesson 1

10/11 - AM - Atlas Lesson 1 - 5 Tibetans x 9
PM - Rutten MMA wkout/Thai Boxing 3m rounds - hindu pushups, hindu squats, bridge - back stretch - Atlas Lesson 1

10/10 - AM - Atlas Lesson 1 - 5 Tibetans x 8
PM - Rutten MMA wkout/Boxing 3m rounds - dislocates, wall slides, facepulls - pullups, hypers, supermans, chins, rows, hindu pushup, hindu squats, bridge - Atlas Lesson 1

10/9 - AM - Atlas Lesson 1 - 5 Tibetans x 7
PM - Rutten MMA/Boxing 3m rounds - hindu pushups, hindu squats, bridge - JG flyes, rows, curls, tricep X, squats, pistols - Atlas Lesson 1

10/8 - AM - Atlas Lesson 1 - 5 Tibetans x 6
PM - Rutten MMA/Boxing 3m rounds - swings, snatches, dl, alt curls, overhead tricep x, calf raise, hindu pushups, hindu squats, bridge, pullups, chins, air squats - Atlas Lesson 1

10/7 - AM - Atlas Lesson 1 - 5 Tibetans x 5
PM - Rutten MMA/Boxing 2m rounds - hindu pushups, hindu squats, bridge, dislocates, pullups, chins, wall squat, handstand, hang, db hold, air squats - Atlas Lesson 1

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