
Saturday, October 10, 2009

The stupidity burns so badly...

Friday Runaround – Banned Books, Baltimore Pride, Thor Casting, Stupid British Children and Nobel Prizes | Bleeding Cool Comic News & Rumors:
"Dragon Ball is the latest graphic novel to be banned from a library, in this case all school libraries in Wicomico County, as the first volume Dragon Ball, Volume 1: The Monkey King contained scenes with naked children, something a parent pointed out when their nine year old child brought a copy home.

You know, is it me, or have naked children often seen naked children in real life – including themselves and siblings? Anyway. Twenty-five years after its first publication in Japan and almost ten years after its publication here on the back of the anime adaptation, it still seems to be able to shock some, and to be fair there are some mild sexual mentions, but less than you’d find in, say The Simpsons or Spider-Man."

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