
Friday, October 09, 2009

Jesus. Christ.

I mean... honestly. WTF? Much more at the links... which is frankly, quite depressing and infuriating.

The Agitator » Blog Archive » Morning Links:
"Police officer mistakes woman playing with pit bull for pit bull attacking woman, shoots both. "
The Agitator » Blog Archive » Innocence Roundup:
"• Wisconsin court dismisses charges against rape and murder after the prosecutor withheld evidence of his innocence. Ralph Armstrong was convicted in 1981. In 1995, a woman told prosecutors Armstrong’s brother confessed to the crime, but prosecutors never informed Armstrong’s attorneys. The Wisconsin Supreme Court ordered a new trial when DNA cleared Armstrong in 2005, but prosecutors kept him in prison another four years while they made plans to try him again. Believe it or not, it only gets worse from there. There’s some startling prosecutoral misconduct in this case.

Florida man released after DNA clears him of a rape for which he served 26 years in prison. Anthony Caravella, who is mentally disabled and was 15 at the time he was convicted, falsely confessed to the crime. His lawyer says he was beaten into a confession. Prosecutors had originally sought the death penalty."

The Agitator » Blog Archive » Roundup of New Police Professionalism:

"Eighth Circuit panel upholds qualified immunity for Missouri police chief sued for sexual assault and tasering the husband of the woman he was assaulting when the husband objected. It’s the third time the chief has been sued for inappropriate conduct around women while on the job.

Dolton, Illinois officer caught on video beating a student in school hallway. The student says the officer was responding to a dress code violation.

Assault charges dropped against Missouri man accused of driving his car at police officers after video shows officers lied on the police report.

An arbitrator has ruled an Ohio cop must be given back his job with back pay after he was fired for (a) driving drunk, (b) calling dispatch to see where his fellow officers were patrolling so he could avoid getting stopped, and (c) undermining a domestic violence investigation of his friend. He has been disciplined seven other times."

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