
Monday, August 31, 2009

As smart and concise a plan as you can find...

More at the link. His series on Paleo Diet mistakes is excellent as well.

Primal Wisdom: Hard Losers: Ten reasons you can’t lose fat:
"Ten reasons you “hard losers” can’t lose weight:

1. Cutting calories: Cutting calories slows your metabolism.
2. Doing lots of “aerobic” activity: Endurance activity reduces muscle mass, slowing metabolism, and makes you hungry, so you eat more.
3. Cutting fat: Cutting fat means eating more carbohydrate; more carbohydrate increases insulin, the hormone that stores fat and stops fat burning.
4. Eating low fat foods: Low fat foods are high in carbohydrates; high carbohydrate foods raise insulin levels, which stores fat and stops fat burning.
5. No strength training: Your muscles are your metabolism; if you don’t train for strength you lose muscle, your metabolism slows down, and you look like a jellyfish.
6. Eat too often (more than 3 times a day): The more often you eat, the more often you secret insulin.
7. Ineffective strength training: Using single joint exercises instead of multi-joint exercises squats, pulldowns, chin ups, dips, chest presses, etc.
8. Inconsistency: not sticking to a plan for more than a few days.
9. Limiting beliefs: You belief you have “fat genes” and will always be fat because it runs in your family.
10. No confidence: You don’t believe, you don’t achieve.

How to lose fat for hard losers

1. Set a goal weight and body fat percentage: About 10% body fat for men, about 20% for women.
2. Cut carbohydrates: Grains, potatoes, dried fruits, sugar, honey, sweets, pasta, bread, etc. – these all stimulate insulin release. Get rid of them.
3. Eat no more than 75g carbohydrate daily: Use only non-starchy vegetables and 1-2 servings of low sugar fruits daily.
4. Eat meat: Especially red meat; eat fattiest portion first, leanest last, eat until satisfied, 12-24 ounce daily for women, 16-32 ounces daily for men.
5. Eat saturated fats: Any natural animal fat or coconut oil. Butter, cream, and coconut oil all contain short chain fats that can increase metabolic rate.
6. No vegetable oils: Except coconut or olive oil. Vegetable oils suppress thyroid and promote heart disease and cancer.
7. Stop aerobics: Walk for recreation, but don’t slave at boring activities hoping to burn calories – it doesn’t work.
8. Strength training: Get stronger on multi-joint exercises like squats, leg presses, deadlifts, bench press, chin ups or pulldowns by training each exercise only once or twice weekly with proper form and appropriate resistance.
9. East less often: 2-3 meals daily.
10. Fast: 16-20 hours daily and/or 24 hours twice weekly.
11. Be consistent: Stick to the plan 95% of the time. If you fall down, get up again. Once slip won’t destroy your progress.
12. Conceive: Create an image of yourself at the body composition you desire; burn this image in your consciousness.
13. Believe: You can do it.

Best foods to lose fat:

1. Red meat with natural fat: Beef, buffalo/bison, lamb
2. Fish, poultry, eggs: Salmon, trout, etc.; chicken, turkey, duck, etc.
3. Butter, cream, coconut oil, coconut milk: Make food delicious and satisfying, don’t stimulate insulin, may raise metabolic rate.
4. Non-starchy vegetables: Greens, onions, roots, etc., low in carbohydrate.
5. Low sugar fruits and berries: Blueberries, strawberries, cherries, etc. in moderation..."

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