
Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Living in a comic book.

More at the link.

How to map the multiverse - space - 04 May 2009 - New Scientist:
"...the fly in the ointment was that string theory allowed for, in principle, many universes,' says Greene, who is a theoretical physicist at Columbia University in New York. In other words, string theory seems equally capable of describing universes very different from ours. Greene hoped that something in the theory would eventually rule out most of the possibilities and single out one of these universes as the real one: ours.

So far, it hasn't - though not for any lack of trying. As a result, string theorists are beginning to accept that their ambitions for the theory may have been misguided. Perhaps our universe is not the only one after all. Maybe string theory has been right all along..."

Multiverse (DC Comics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"The DC Multiverse is a fictional continuity construct that exists in stories published by comic book company DC Comics.

The DC Multiverse consists of numerous worlds, most of them outside DC's main continuity allowing writers the creative freedom to explore alternate versions of characters and their histories without contradicting and/or permanently altering the official continuity."

Via Warren Ellis » Links for 2009-05-04

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