
Sunday, April 05, 2009

Watched 3/29 - 4/5.

Robin Hood Season One - the recent BBC show... not the world's greatest show, but fun. And I dig takes on the Robin Hood legend. Wish it would have followed through on it's potential dark turn/twisting of the mythos towards the end of the season, but it stayed traditional/light hearted. I'll still check out season 2.

- good fights.

2 eps of Primeval - Back for the 3rd season. Time travel, dinosaurs, monsters and conspiracies. Good fun.

Pastor Joe Schimmel's They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll - following links to links/conspiracy theory nonsense, I ended up watching a 30m preview for this. Holy Jesus, Christians are some dumbass people. It's funny, I had a football coach in HS who tried to sell us on this whole Rock n'Roll/devil worship stuff. He got bounced after his first year for his apparently horrendous, but unrelated heresy of replacing our I-formation offense for the Wishbone. Man the PTA/Boosters are ridiculous. But I'd thought he was a decent guy, until one day he sat us down in the weight room and told us how Prince was conspiring to bring us all to Satan. The whole backwards masking/hidden messages/etc/etc nonsense.

But I sat through the 30m preview on this just cause it's good to dip your toe into the crazy waters every once in a while, just to remind yourself how insane they are. It's just mind blowing - the religious types who buy into this apparently lack any ability whatsoever to think creatively or metaphorically. They demonstrate a complete misunderstanding of the psychology of peak experience, flow, or of the subconscious mind and how it relates to art or creativity. And they exult in twisting things out of context. The constant breathless voice over that made me want to shoot myself in the face.

Family Guy - Star Trek TNG cast reunion. Hilarious. Fortuitously, also an atheist storyline. Pretty funny.

Kings - eh. This is really gonna have to pick it up.

Bully Beatdown - Mayhem Miller is too funny. The show is a wind up like other "reality" shows, but it's entertaining.

Sasuke - my favorite show in Japan. This year's edition. Missed finishing the final stage by seconds.

House - Mos Def in a guest starring role. Some interesting directorial choices this ep, really good.

Castle - Nathan Fillion remains awesome. That is all.

Heroes - the episodes with Sylar rock. The rest is eh.

Daily Show, Colbert Report - Best thing this week was Colbert's takedown of Glenn Beck. Brutally funny.

Mentalist - cool seeing the stuff on NLP this week. Exaggerated, but interesting.

Reaper - funny. Overarching plot is picking up too. Theological comedy is my favorite.

Breaking Bad - this season is slow to start, but still excellent.

Free to Choose - Watching Milton Friedman's PBS series from 1980 is interesting. Caught the first two eps so far. I don't buy the free market as a panacea that he does, but it probably has a lot more merit than is being giving in the 21st century. The really interesting thing is that the show is half a documentary, half a discussion group in every hour. And the maturity and level of discourse of the second half really hammers home just how crappy modern news and discussion has become. The debates in Free to Choose are reasoned, measured, well thought out and spirited. Compared to the talking heads/talking points bombast that infects the modern era, I really miss 1980. Also, funnily, in the second ep Donald Rumsfeld, as the President of GD Searle is part of the group discussion. Good to know that he, very clearly, at least since 1980, talked down to everyone around him like they're stupid. He drips condescension, even then. Crazy.

Life - I am loving this show this year. Zen Detective. Damian Lewis and Gabrielle Union are really clicking. As is Adam Arkin.
"I'm thinking about what I want and what I need. What do you want? I want a peaceful soul. And what do you need? ...I need a bigger gun."
Smallville - returns to sucking a little bit. Show is so uneven this year. Some eps are outstanding. Some tank hard.

UFN 18/Ultimate Fighter - latest season, US v UK. Fights!

Real Time with Bill Maher
- this week's ep was so-so. Joe the Plumber, really?

Russell Peters: Red White & Brown/Outsourced - dude is funny. Laughed quite a bit.

Friday Night Lights - best drama on TV. Liked the authenticity this week and the lack of pat TV resolutions. Good stuff.

Dollhouse - another good episode this week. Circles in circles.

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