
Friday, April 24, 2009

Right on, Shep.

The best part, though, is the "oops." Too funny.
YouTube - Shepherd Smith drops F-bomb during Freedom Watch: We do not F%$&ing torture!!!

Fox News' Shepard Smith does NOT. [Bleeping.] Torture. Okay? | PopWatch Blog |
"I would not describe myself, all things considered, as a huge fan of Fox News Channel anchor Shepard Smith. Credit where credit is due, though: When a couple of his colleagues tried to hem and haw and generally dodge the reality of the Bush Administration's recently disclosed torture memos earlier this week, Shep let 'em have it. 'We are America,' he reminded them, his voice rising as he prepared to hit those two with an obscenity-laced dose of truth. 'I don't give a rat's ass if it helps! WE ARE AMERICA! We do NOT f---ing torture!'"

1 comment:

  1. Not only the "Oops", but the confirmation glances around the room, followed by the chair moving retreat. Awesome!
