
Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Embarrassing isn't quite the right word...

...but I'm not sure what you'd call this. I teach at elementary and junior high, and today is the welcoming ceremony at Jr High for the new freshmen. Kids wear uniforms in Jr High, but not Elementary.

Today, I realized that one of the kids from the bigger elementary school I teach at, who I had assumed was a boy for the last couple years, is actually a girl. A really boyish [in hindsight now, tomboy-ish] haircut, clothing style and demeanor just lead me down that primrose, albeit faulty, path. In Japan, some guys exhibit behavior that in Western culture might come across as effeminate, and I just figured...

...Jeez, I'm dumb.

Thank god I never did an gender specific activities with the kids, I would have really come off as a schmuck.

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