
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Training Interruptus - Injury.

You ever hurt yourself and don't even know how you hurt yourself? This past Sunday I noticed my lower back felt a little tweaky, but I chalked it up to sitting on my butt too long messing around on the internets. Didn't feel too bad, figured I'd sleep it off and all would be right with the world come the start of the new week.

But no.

I woke up Monday AM and it felt like somebody had kicked me in the spine. My lower back - and I've never felt older than typing these words - was killing me. Sitting up wasn't a problem, but standing up straight was like jabbing ice picks in my back. Shuffling around like a hunched over geriatric for about 10 minutes until my back loosened itself up. No idea how I did it. Maybe slept on it weird or twisted it in my sleep...

Today, it's not quite as bad, but I chalk that up to liberal applications of Ben Gay [again... old...] a heating pad and a couple hot showers. And aspirin. But still, transitioning from sitting to standing, and vice versa, is a slow going, moving carefully kind of experience.

Needless to say, my PT is on hiatus till this reconciles itself. Hopefully by the end of the week.

I have kept my diet clean though, including this inspired by Mike in the comments here, dish of Buta Bara & Kimchi. Course I swapped out the sesame oil for butter... because, well, butter is awesome. And that's what I cook everything in.
From 2009-03-17

Kimchi works for me, apparently, if it's hot/cooked a bit. Cold, it really didn't do anything for me. But heated up [and bacon flavored?] = WIN.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! Hope you're feeling better! Understand the pic now...looks good though I don't partake of the pork. :)
