
Monday, March 30, 2009

Training 305.

After 2, 2 1/2 weeks, whatever it is I did to my back has mostly abated. It's probably 80-90%, so that's good enough. I really need to get working out again. Things don't even barely approach feeling right when I don't at least get some PT in.

Today - sets/reps written elsewhere - DB Squat, DB Bench, DB Rows, Plank - 15mins light shadowboxing. For a first day back, it didn't suck. Wonder if I'll be sore tomorrow? About a liter and a half of water - been sucking down too many coffees/sodas/teas the last couple weeks - gonna have to rebreak that habit again.

Video: Sylvester Stallone Training for The Expendables

Said it before, say it again... 62 years old and in this kind of shape and condition? WIN.

Same vid, set to the music from Rocky IV. Too funny.

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