
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Training 301-302.

301 - 2L water, 2 meals, 20m cardio/shadowboxing, 20m light stretching

302 - 2 meals 1.5L water, kind of a half-ass better-than-nothing lower body wkout

Observation - when you've been doing something wrong for so long, doing it right will feel really strange.

To wit, my posture and my breathing really suck. Hard. And obviously, the two are completely interrelated. The postural habits I've been falling into these last 4-5 years, to a large to degree from sitting a lot, and specifically sitting in front of a computer a lot has given me a wealth of problems. Tight hamstrings, sloped shoulders, contracted and shortened pectorals and a forward head posture that my wife [psuedo] lovingly says makes me look like a turtle. I freaking hate it. And of course, all those contribute to poor and less than full breathing. My chest and diaphragm doesn't expand the way it should, which just leads to a sense of a lack of general well being. Breathing is key.

Pic via.

And the thing is the last couple days, when I think of it, I've been really aware of trying to maintain an upright, shoulders back, chest open, head up posture. But it feels incredibly awkward. But checked in the mirror it almost appears normal even though I feel all twisted and wrong.

Developing bad habits while not being aware of it really sucks. Go figure, your face may not freeze "that way" the way they told you as a kid, but it turns out your body will, if you do it long enough.

More breathing, more awareness, more attention, more work.

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