
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Signs of the Apocalypse are upon us.

But really, the best part is the paragraph after. Police work I enthusiastically support.

The Joe Rogan Blog » Conduit to the Gaian Mind » Vancouver was fucking amazing:
"The New Kids on the Block are touring again, and according to US Weekly they’re doing quite well. I certainly don’t want to start a panic, but it might be a good time to stock up on water and bullets...

If you ever want to see a direct, tangible affect of the grass culture on the behavior of an area’s population, you don’t need to look any further than Vancouver. It’s direct, it’s obvious and it’s discussed there often. Weed is EVERYWHERE in Vancouver, and the people are some of the nicest folks you’ll ever come across. These were some of the friendliest crowds that I’ve ever performed for, and I’ve never had more people handing me joints after the show. It was ridiculous - to the point where I had to refuse most of it since I can’t fly with it, and there was no way I could smoke it all in 2 days without violating the laws of space time. Taking pictures with folks was hilarious; one guy shakes my hand and palms a joint into it, the next guy stuffs a bag full into my jacket pocket, then the next guy drops another joint in there, one after another – to the point where it felt like a gag in a movie.

I didn’t want to waste all of these precious plants, so I talked to one of the local law enforcement officers and he said I could give it to him and he would donate it to a local charity that provides weed to young people that can’t afford it.

True story."

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