
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The models are changing. Pay attention.

How is it the best comedians - Pryor, Carlin, Hicks, Stanhope - and yes, Joe Rogan - are the most competent at explaining what's actually going on in the world?

The Joe Rogan Blog » Conduit to the Gaian Mind » Humanity gone haywire:
"...I think we as human beings are in a very strange stage in our evolution, especially in regards to how we’re altering our perceptions of reality through the use of technology. We’re connected together by the internet in a way that no humans have ever experienced in the history of the species, and it’s only been going on for the last 15 years or so.
It’s started slow, and snuck up on us, but now that it’s here to stay it’s moving at an incredible pace.

We’re more aware of each other and have more access to information than any generation by far, yet we still live under the same flawed and ill-conceived structures that were set up in our disconnected past. They just don’t make any sense anymore, and that’s why they’re falling apart. The economy never made any sense to me, but I always thought it’s probably best to not get obsessed by this shit, and to just leave it up to the experts. Turns out, the economy is so fucking wacky that even the experts don’t understand it. Now with the internet, we get the reports on this shit instantly, and the information is flowing much, much faster. More people know more than ever how fucking crazy the whole system is, and because of that knowledge people have completely lost faith in the system and accelerated it’s demise.

Corruption gets exposed much quicker, and much deeper now... With the internet, when some shit is happening it’s getting reported on RIGHT NOW. Instantly, and it’s easy to find.

...All these guys look horribly corrupt because they are, but they’ve always been this way. We’re just getting a closer look at the world we live in than ever before, and we can spot this shit much easier now. All these corrupt people are operating the same way people like them have always operated; it’s just a model that doesn’t really work anymore. We have more access to everything now – companies, people, news, ideas – if it keeps moving in this direction the next few years are going to be very strange indeed."

1 comment:

  1. It's like the jester at a court, who breaks the truth more easy with jokes ;)
