
Friday, March 13, 2009

Joe Rogan and Grant Morrison - The Superorganism.

Disparate influences in my world convene to tell me the same thing. Odd.

The Joe Rogan Blog » Conduit to the Gaian Mind » My brothers and sisters:
"...I ran into a guy in Vegas a couple weeks ago that had read my blog entry, “hello, stranger.” He told me that he had read it, and that it changed the way he thinks about people.

The blog entry is about a psychedelic experience I had on a boat in Hawaii where realized that we human beings are probably all exactly the same energy, but we’re just put into different bodies, different life circumstances, different cultures, and that’s what makes us who we are, but the thought was if I lived every second of your life, I would be you. If I lived in your body, and had your experiences, I would be you.

That “me” is the same thing for everybody, we’re just living this life through different filters.

You really have to read that blog entry to understand what happened, but that’s the short version.

...The guy came up to me at the bar and started telling me how he read what I wrote, and that he started incorporating it into his own life, and that it works. He said he really tries to treat people as if they were himself living another life through another body, and that it’s had an amazingly positive affect on the quality of his life.

It was a really weird moment, because I could tell that he meant what he was saying, and I certainly meant it when I wrote it, so here we are, two dudes that have just met each other, and we’re both just sitting there looking at each other thinking that we’re the same thing inside this different biological vessels. It was pretty fucking trippy, and at least 20% gay.

...I talked to him and his friends for a while, we had a few laughs, we had a drink, and I wished him the best of luck in this crazy life, and I really meant it – seeing as how he’s me."
disinformation | disinformation: grant morrison transcript:
"...The short version is that I was sitting up on the roof garden of the BajaRat Hotel and this thing happened and - it's hard to describe, we're going into areas that are unusual, so all I remember is getting back downstairs and laying on the bed and - some unusual things happened, and then it seemed like there were entities in the room it was like those silver morphing blobs you see in rave videos. It was like computer generated things and they claimed to be cross-sections of fifth-dimensional entities as expressed through four-dimensional spacetime and they claimed that I was one of them and that I had to come back and see what the old homestead was like. And that was when I felt like I was peeled off the surface of spacetime and they took me out of my body and then to what seemed to be the fifth dimension because I could see the entirety of space and time as a dynamic object in which Shakespeare was over here, and I was over here and the dinosaurs were here and we were all in the same object, and time was a thing.

So, I appeared to be in a fifth dimensional fluid, an information space that I could say was maybe kinda bluish, extending out infinitely. These things swam through it and interacted with it and they told me that what the universe was, was a larval form of what they are, which is fifth-dimensional entities. And the only way to grow a fifth-dimensional entity is to plant it in time, henceforth our universe."

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