
Monday, March 09, 2009

I totally want to try this.

C'mon, what else do I have but time on my hands? Besides, I've got Polish blood in me, so sauerkraut should be a given. I've only had the processed kind on hot dogs, but I'd bet fresh kraut would be awesome. I should also probably give kimchee another try. Sandy digs it, but I don't think I've ever given it a fair shake. Anyways, this seems cool.


  1. Oh dude, kimuchi rocks. You want a fool proof meal? Go get some salt/pepper, a pack of sliced buta-bara (the thin-sliced pork that looks like bacon, vs. the roast which is like bacon but less marbled), a pack of kimuchi, and some sesame oil.

    Salt/pepper the pork, leave it while you heat the pan. Get the pan nice and hot, put in a few drops of sesame oil, toss in the pork. When it's mostly cooked, toss in the kimuchi, juice and all.
    When most of the juice is gone, put it on a plate and it's good to go.

    One of my favourite after-work out dishes, because it got veggies, protien, it's spicy and takes like 10 minutes of prep. I also usually split it into 2 meals-worth. me thinking about this for tonight.

  2. That sounds delicious. I'ma have to try that.
