
Sunday, March 08, 2009

I did not, in fact, finish the internet this weekend.

Trying to play catchup on the last 2 weeks or so worth of obsessive bookmarking didn't happen. Despite spending an entirely inordinate amount of time this weekend online. Caught up on the reading bits, but I'm in for a massive YouTube spiral next weekend. Or sometime. And no, I can't just let it go. Shut up.

This weekend was also gonna be big cleaning/rearranging, now that the Mrs is back in the US and the last few weeks we were only able to do the most rudimentary of upkeep. And changing things up will kinda keep the place from constantly reminding me of the Mrs.

[Okay, not really.]

Finally got around to it about 3 or 4 Sunday afternoon, figured I'd knock it out in a couple, maybe a few hours... have the rest of the evening to relax...


...and then I finished washing my last dish at 2310.

You know your planning has gone horribly wrong when you're sure that it's a good idea to suck down a cup of coffee at 2320.


One more post and then I'm going to bed.