
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

European Parliament reveals itself to be useless, perhaps full of functionally retarded people. *slightly updated*

I read this on the Wikipedia and thought " way. Somebody's screwing around..."


*Updated w/something I meant to write earlier - it's stuff like this that makes me think that all the fascinating conspiracy theories I read about have no merit. These are the people in charge, ostensibly - AND. THEY. ARE. MORONS.*

Mr. Clean - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"In September 2008, the European Parliament deemed Mr. Clean potentially offensive, because his build might imply that cleaning can only be accomplished by a muscular man."

Europe Takes Aim at Sexual Stereotypes in Ads -
"The European Parliament has set out to change this. Last week, the legislature voted 504 to 110 to scold advertisers for “sexual stereotyping,” adopting a nonbinding report that seeks to prod the industry to change the way it depicts men and women.

The lawmakers’ ire has many targets, from a print ad for Dolce & Gabbana (which had a woman in spike heels pinned to the ground and surrounded by sweaty men in tight jeans) to Mr. Clean, the 1950s advertising icon whose muscular physique might imply that only a strong man is powerful enough to tackle dirt."

Really? I mean, reaaaaaaaaaally?

Idiots, I swear to god.

1 comment:

  1. "The strongest conspiracy is the conspiracy of the stupid" - RAW

    Hey, you watch your mouth about Mr Clean.

    Just cause he's super-neat, wears a tight shirt, an earring and a jaunty grin...


    Damn it.
