
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Adventures in Japanese teaching.

Chalk it up to the end of the year, less than a week to the end of the academic calendar...

Teaching new vocabulary - early - and the teacher proceeds off in a digression in Japanese about how a good way to remember this is by remembering Early Times whiskey, and talking about a time when he was in a foreign bar and having to practice his pronunciation very carefully, so he could definitely get the whiskey he wanted.

Reminder - we teach Jr high school students.

More new vocab - sit - as the teacher explains to make sure to pronounce sit and not shit [Japan doesn't really have an s sound, but they have shi, sha, shu, sho, etc...] All well and good till he makes sure to tell them in Japanese - "Yes, eveyone later ask Rob what shit means and why you don't say it." Nothing like having to fend off children looking to learn curse words. Thanks dude.

5 classes yesterday, 5 classes today... only 2 tomorrow and then the 3 day weekend. 24 more little hours till total weekend collapse/vegetation. For a 4 day work week, this week has been kinda brutal.


  1. Should I even bother to guess which teacher or is it just so obvious?
