
Monday, February 23, 2009

Ya gotta let it go.

Work in progress.

Wisdom - The Joe Rogan Blog » Conduit to the Gaian Mind » Liam Neeson is a handsome man:
"You ever think back to some shit you did years ago, and you still feel pathetic from it? There are a few memories of dumb shit I’ve done in my life that just continue to haunt me, no matter how many years go by.

I know objectively that as a human being there are certain mistakes that you have to make in life to grow from them, but there’s just part of me that doesn’t want to admit that I was ever that fucking retarded.

I think that’s why some people fuck up a bunch when they’re young, and they never really get on track in life. It’s like the memory of their fuck ups are just too powerful for them to respect that who they are now is a different, more evolved person. They just think of the shame of what they’ve done in the past and get stuck with that self-definition. I think that’s one of the reasons why a discipline, especially for a man, is very important for self definition.

Whatever it is; be it martial arts, or playing the guitar, or whatever - having something that’s very difficult that you focus all your energy on can redefine your view of yourself and make you forgive yourself..."

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