
Friday, February 13, 2009

Winning the War on Drugs.

No, wait. The opposite.

Just stop. In the name of all that is holy... just get your heads out of your asses. Please.

Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Sounds Familiar:
"From a piece in the WSJ about a commission of former Latin American Heads of State stating the drug war has failed and that massive changes are necessary, the following quote:
“If the drug effort were failing there would be no violence,” a senior U.S. official said Wednesday. There is violence “because these guys are flailing. We’re taking these guys out. The worst thing you could do is stop now.”
Hrmm. Escalating violence is proof we are winning. Why does that sound so familiar?"

Latin America ex-leaders urge reform of US drug war | Reuters:
"The war against drugs is failing and the U.S. government should break with 'prohibition' policies that have achieved little more than cram its prisons and stoke violence, three former Latin American presidents said on Wednesday.

The respected former presidents urged the United States and Latin American governments to move away from jailing drug users to debate the legalization of marijuana and place more emphasis on the treatment of addicts.

Former Colombian President Cesar Gaviria said there was no meaningful debate over drugs policy in the United States, despite a broad consensus that current policies had failed."

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