
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Training 293.

1 large meal, 2L and change of water.


Minisupersets: Swings, Airsquats - 25x20/20/20, 3x20
DB Squats, Assisted Pistols - 60x8/70x8x2, 3x8
DB DL, Calf Rs - 105x8x3, 105x12x3
Isometrics - 2x5count - neck, shoulder press, bi/tri, chest, back, hips, quads, hamstrings

Started adding bungee dislocates and face pulls to help restore some shoulder range of motion and help correct postural nonsense from sitting in front of a computer all the damn time. Do daily.

Kick ass motivation below. Pure awesome.

Jeannies Beach CrossFit - Adrenaline

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