
Monday, February 16, 2009

Training 292.

So, yeah, like I was thinking, P90X, through no fault of the program itself, put by the wayside for the time being. Honestly, and for true, it is a kick ass training program, I'm just feeling a bit constricted and fenced in by it. Need more of a sense of flexibility/freedom/choice right now, for whatever reason, to stay motivated.

So anyways, per week, for now I'm gonna go with 4 strength training sessions, in a mostly upper/lower body split, with 2 conditioning wkouts.

M - Upper+Core
T - Lower+Iso
W - Rutten MMA+X Stretch
T - Upper+Iso
F - Lower+Core
S - Conditioning Circuit+X Stretch
S - Rest/X Stretch

Today, 3L water, 2 meals.

One arm DB Snatch - 25x12, 40x10, 52.5x6x2
Mini Supersets - Chinups,Pushups - 8/6/5, 20/13/10
Pike Pushups,Bodyweight Row - 10x3, 10x3
Core Circuit - Crunch/Hip Swing/Chinnies/Superman x10

Random observations - adaptation is pretty damn specific. I was doing a lot more volume of work on P90X but today was still kind surprisingly ass kicking. More intensity, different exercise order, change in rest times... different, still difficult.

Looking way back at Day 1, last April, I was doing sets of '1' on chinups, which still makes my inner Marine cry. Today, while not even trying to max out on my first set, I hit eight solid reps. So, yeah, progress. Slooooooow progress, but progress.


  1. Hah. I still can't even do ONE chin up. I can get "one" if I jump up and use momentum... /cries

  2. Don't cry Ponyboy. Greasers don't cry. [I have no idea why that's in my head this AM.]

    Just stick w/it and keep gutting it out. Keep jumping and doing negatives.

    It comes, apparently... even if it doesn't feel like it. You can't argue w/record keeping.
