
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Overheard awesomeness.

Overheard in New York | Who Wants to Listen to a Conversation in a Big Room Full Of Chairs?:
"Macho frat boy #1: Yeah, if we could get free tickets to the shows or something, that'd be sweet.
Macho frat boy #2: Dude...what shows?
Macho frat boy #1: The fuckin' plays, man! Don't you go to the fuckin' plays??
Macho frat boy #2: No.
Macho frat boy #1: You're a fuckin' douchebag, man.

--Wagner College, Staten Island

Overheard by: wiggles"

Overheard Everywhere | Let's Hope It's Either Biology Class Or Comparative Media Studies:
"Professor, noticing student's t-shirt: What is that?
Student: A gorilla and a shark high fiving in front of an explosion.
Professor: I'm going to work that into discussion somehow.

Point Park University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: ZB"

Overheard Everywhere | Wait 'Til She Learns Sweden Also Has Universal Healthcare:
"Jersey girl #1: And then she was like, 'What's a Guido?'
Jersey girl #2 (blissfully): I like to think there's a world where people don't know what Guidos are. I bet there'd be unicorns.

Manasquan, New Jersey"

Overheard in the Office | But I've Made Do with a Forehead and Half a Boob Before...:
"Audience development director: Is anybody else having any weird computer issues? I'm having trouble on the main site and on admin...
Marketing director: The porn I'm looking at is taking an awfully long time to load, if that's what you mean.

Manhattan, New York

Overheard by: Sarah"

Overheard in the Office | The Children I Can Take or Leave:
"Boss, on his way out the door for a rough meeting: If I never come back, tell my wife I like her.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania"

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