
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Training 283/P90X 52.

3L water, 2 meals, P90X Kempo X wkout.

Inspiration - 54 freaking years old... Awesome - Who is Mark? | Mark's Daily Apple:
"In a nutshell:
- fresh, organic, unprocessed food - no junk!
- daily activity - whether it’s the gym or a walk along the beach, it all counts
- plenty of quality sleep
- plenty of water, no soda or sweetened drinks
- antioxidants galore - the key to limiting stress
- a good fish-oil supplement
- essential fats, reckless amounts of vegetables, and lean, clean protein
- time for fun - don’t take anything too seriously - ethical behavior - because what goes around comes around
- taking responsibility for yourself and your life - openness to new things and ideas

What is your bottom line?

Easy! I am nothing short of outraged by the mass-marketing of deadly drugs, surgery, and lifestyles that do nothing more than destroy people’s lives. I believe humans have a right to something better - if we demand it."


  1. finally managed to get to a scale since november only to find out i've managed to lose only one pound, one freaking pound! i blame exercise. it threw off my lady's time so pms'ing for three weeks which includes water retention is not a good thing. i'm also going with the "muscle weighs more than fat" denial speak as well. man, really wanted to see results for all the exercise but not this time. trying to stay optimistic, trying to stay optimistic...

  2. Ignore the scale. It can be useful, but if you're feeling better, looking better and your clothes are fitting better, those are all better indicators of body composition change. And muscle does weigh more...
