
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Training 245-6/P90X 13-14.

Flipped my Saturday and Sunday, as per usual... Saturday was free/rest, Sunday was PT and no junk food.

245/13 - Free/Rest. Still didn't do the P90X X Stretch like I wanted, but lethargy and a full day of mochitsuki and errands took what I had. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

246/14 - Kenpo X, 2 meals and 2L water. [Well, one meal and 1L of water as I write this, but I'll hit that last bit before bedtime.]

More words of wisdom/inspiration/motivation from uber-trainer Tony Horton...

Tony Horton's Blog Spot: Is it fun being you?:
"Before I discovered fitness as a solution to my situation I had fun all the time. The whole time I was having all this fun I was very unhappy with me. The fun I was having was a means to try to give my life value, but it wasn't working. The highs were short lived and the lows were deep and often. It wasn't fun being me! The day I started lifting weights and got off of Dr. Pepper and cheeseburgers I began to combine having fun with liking who I was. This changed everything. I was beginning to have the life I always wanted. No one gave it to me. I earned it. And it allowed me to combine having fun and liking who I was. All by simply deciding to shift my lifestyle to a healthy one. So, if you'd like to have fun being you then decide and commit to the healthy lifestyle that can make that happen."

Tony Horton's Blog Spot: Pain & Suffering:
"At the age of 47... It's freaky and somewhat sad to see a lot of my friends fall apart. I've been watching many of the people in my life slowly age in the traditional way. It's that ache in the back, knees & shoulder talk I hear all of the time. Fit and active kids, teens and young adults are turning into old men and women right before my eyes. Thin friends from high school and collage are now obese. Most of them are resolved to the idea that this is a normal pattern in life. They say it's genetic or bad luck or some other environmental phenomenon. I have heard them say that it's too late to turn nature's events around. It was this way with their parents, so it's inevitable that it will happen to them. They talk like 40 and beyond is the beginning of the end.

I can not tell you how crazy all this is. I've seen hundreds of stories of people in their 30's, 40's, 50s, 60s, 70's and beyond turn nature on it's ass. What happens to our hope and optimism as we get older? Are we letting life beat us down to the point where we think all the fun stops at 30? Is youth left for the young? The answer is NO! Can you turn it around after 40? Hell YES! The first step is believing it can happen. The "This is what happens when you get older." talk has got to stop. It has to be replaced with something, anything that gets you to make better choices every day...

You're only good at the things you do often. If you're telling yourself often enough that life after 40 is full of aches, pains and suffering from one aliment or another then it will be true. If you wake up every day committed to do something that demolishes those incorrect negative thoughts then you will create a happy, healthy, youthful life, no matter what age you are."

Tony Horton's Blog Spot: Bright or Bleak:
"When the glass is half empty you're not trying anything. If you are trying and it's not working then try something else. Quitting is death. Quitting is like saying the glass is empty. If you can't find the time to make the time to take care of yourself then your world will only get teeny tiny. Don't pick a bleak existence. This world is too incredible to miss out on it. Figure out what you're doing and when, then do it. Put a plan in place and follow your own directions. Create the path and the journey. Follow up and see it through. Get organized so that your cart stays behind the horse. Organization gives you the freedom to live your designed life. Know what you're doing ahead of time to avoid any guess work. The journey will be long and winding and unpredictable, so be prepared before you go. You'll have a lot more fun if you do, because you'll be ready for anything. You'll also need partners in all of this. Surround yourself with people who are willing to peek around a few corners. Start your own bandwagon or jump into someone else's. But whatever you do, do it with fun, passionate people that like what you like. This will make the journey worth waking up for every day. Tell the naysayers, want-to-bees and side-liners to get out of your way because your world is waiting to be explored."


  1. i was diligent!

    Ah...Luang Prabang (Laos)
    Day 12
    exercise: 3km walk/wander
    food:scrambled eggs w/tomato and papaya (b), bhagan bharta w/1 garlic roti (l), chicken w/bamboo and cilantro (d)
    drinks: 1.5L water

    Day 13
    exercise: 300 steps and 3 km wander
    food: small fried fish, papaya salad and sticky rice (l), mixed veggie and cream of mushroom soup (d), mango crepe and mango loaf (s)
    drink: 1.5L water

    Day 14
    exercise: 700+ steps and 5 km wander
    food: scrambled eggs, potatoes, mixed veggies and half a baguette (b), KFC sandwich and fries (ick!) (d)
    drink: 1.5L water

    Viet Nam
    Day 15
    exercise: 5km walk
    food: scrambled eggs, mixed veggies, yogurt, papaya, pear (b), tempura udon (l), icky chicken sandwich baguette w/fries (d), tangerine and banana (s)
    drink: 1.5L water, tea

    Day 16
    exercise: 10 km walk
    food: scrambled eggs, papaya, pineapple, pear and toast (b), bruschetta, caprese salad and mushroom pasta (d), mochi in sweet bean sauce (s)
    drink: 1.5L water, tea

    Day 17
    exercise: 5km walk
    food: scrambled eggs, pear, papaya and yogurt (b), 1/2 small margharita pizza and tangerine (l), rice, tofu and the same damn green vegetable cooked in four different ways (d), konyaku jelly (s)
    drink: 1.5L water, OJ, tea, rice wine (lunch & dinner)

    Day 18
    exercise: 5km walk
    food: chicken pho (b), rice, greens, 1/2 baguette (l), 2 konyaku jelly and cookies (s), rice and more damn greens...argh!!
    drink: 1.5L water, tea, rice wine

    Day 19
    exercise: sitting on ass waiting for damn people...
    food: 1/2 baguette w/butter and konyaku jelly (b), rice, tofu, papaya salad, 3 tangerines (l), bruschetta and spinach ravioli (d)
    drink: 2L water

    Day 20
    exercise: 12km walk
    food: scrambled eggs, multigrain toast, pear, papaya (b), hazelnut and pistachio gelato (l), plane food fried rice (l), cucumber and lettuce baguette (d)
    drinks: 1.5L water, 2 glasses OJ

    Day 21
    exercise: 4km wander for goods
    food: scrambled eggs and 1/2 baguette (b), mango ice cream and roll (s), rice, 1/2 bhindi masala, 1/2 fried dahl, a veggie samosa (d), chocolate cake (s)
    drink: 2L water and thai tea

    Day 22
    exercise: yeah! gym membership began today. 5km run, 4km walk
    food: small greek salad, fruit yogurt (l), banana roll and strawberry muffin (s), baby spinach and mushroom quiche, 2 corn on the cobs, 1/2 pumpkin pastry, bowl of fresh strawberries (d)
    drink: 1.5L water and 2 thai teas. that's right, 2 to make up for the lack of thai tea this past week. i'm gonna be up all night...
