
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Joss Whedon, without bias and with true insight, reviews the "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" DVD.

The man is wittily and comedically genius-y, he is.

Armchair Commentary: Celebrity Blog: Joss Whedon on Exclusive "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog":
"When Amazon asked me to review this movie, I was hesitant, as I'm not too familiar with the genre, and also I made it... But what's in it for you? A few surprises, I won't lie. THE SECRET OF ETERNAL YOUTH. The Dark Knight doesn't have that, does it? A CONTROLLING INTEREST IN EUROPE. Not available with Mama Mia! BEES. Deadly, hideous bees are contained in certain shipments, sorry. We're trying to control that. But already, a pretty extraordinary disc.

The film itself I didn't really get...

The extras (Eternal life, Europe, Bees) were mostly exciting. There is a whole second musical, called "Commentary!", which harkens back to the days of Radio and of writing things really poorly... Seriousfully, it's not so much a commentary as chance for the cast and writers to make fun of each other in every musical style possible. I give it forty eight billion stars.

...That is my review. I think you should buy the DVD every day forever, and I am totally unbiased. Happy Holidays! --Joss Whedon"

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