
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"10 Ways To Be Absolutely F*@king Miserable!"by MuscleHack/Mark McManus.

Hilariously inspiring. Click over for further humorous elucidation.

10 Ways To Be Absolutely F*@king Miserable! | MuscleHack:
"...Sometimes we envy those who are so miserable, “Why can’t I be as sad as him” or “She’s so lucky, you never see her without a frown on her face”.

You too can be as depressed as them - I promise!

All it takes is the power of your mental focus. Your life is what you focus on, that’s all.

Luckily, I have created a list to help you stay in a negative state AT ALL TIMES. Try it for a few days; if you’re not lower in spirits than ever before, I’ll give you your money back!

(1) Live In The Past...
(2) Think About Missed Opportunities...
(3) The Grass IS Greener On The Other Side...
(4) Remember All The Times You’ve Been Mistreated. Replay these occasions over and over again in your mind...
(5) Worry About Possible Future Mistreatment. When done with step 4, move to worrying about more of the same in the future. The great thing about our minds is that they don’t know the difference between a real and an imagined event. If you want to feel like shit, create imagined scenarios in your mind that you don’t like, you don’t have to wait on it actually happening...
(6) Focus On What’s Missing In Your Life And Don’t Be Grateful For What You Already Have...
(7) Are You Beginning To Age Quickly!? Probably not but you should believe you are, after all, the worry will cause more lines and wrinkles - a self-fulfilling prophesy is just what you need...
(8) Think About Financial Ruin...
(9) Gossip & Bitch About Others Constantly...
(10) Believe That Your Situation Is Hopeless...

P.S. If you’d like to be happy, just do the opposite"

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