
Monday, November 24, 2008

Training Update.

Yesterday was day 84 of 84 of my 12 week BFL cycle. I ended up dropping 11 pounds and an inch off my waist. Not horrible results, and nothing to sneeze at, but not really the drastic changes I was hoping for. Certainly no fault of the program itself, as it's the second [and a half] time I've done the BFL routine.

Last time was at the tail end of my time in NC, and while I can't remember the #s or whatnot, I had pretty good results. Of course, after that, with the move up to VA, for a variety of reasons, I let all that progress go to hell. And the first time I psuedo-did the program was way back during the first time we were in Japan. Sandy and I both were both doing it for a bit [and there's a kick-ass uber-cute/hot pic of Sandy somewhere flexing her shoulder and arm muscles] but it fell off about halfway through because of scheduling-and-holidays-and-god-knows-what-else I can't remember.

I there were a few reasons I didn't get better results... first being that back in NC, I was working nights, and would end up doing my cardio and workouts right after I woke up, in the afternoon. PT in a fasted state leads to greater fat loss, according to a lot of sources. Second, this go around I didn't have any supplements, whereas the last go around I used a lot of MRPs and RTD shakes. And some others I think. Supplements aren't absolutely necessary, but they do make balanced nutrition a lot easier. And then this time around I've been low carb/anabolic dieting as opposed to the recommended BFL diet.

Which has only been a problem because I've been thinking of low carb as cure-all, which it isn't. It's a better plan that the standard diet, but still, a lot of the standard low carb items - butter, cream, mayo - are calorically dense. While I can't be a calorie counter like Mike I do need to be more aware of how many calories I'm sucking down if I want to maximize my results.

Along those lines, while the 'free day' is a much needed psychological and dietological [yeah, totally not a word] respite, I tended to go a little nuts on my free day. Eating so much junk to the point where I'd feel a little ill, even into the next day.

7 and a half months in and I'm 22lbs and 6" down on my waist. Not bad, but objectively, that's only about halfway to being where I want to be. Another 3-6 months of busting my ass and hard work and I should be approaching, not completion, but some sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. A place where I won't be dissatisfied, at least.

Originally I had planned on rolling into another 12 week BFL cycle, even bought a brand spanking new training log, but I think I'm a little burned out on BFL right now, though I'm sure I'm gonna come back to it.

So what I'm going to do is take this week off... rest and recoup.

And then starting next Monday I'm going to start into the P90X Program. Yes, the P90X of late night infomercial fame. I had ordered up the DVDs back in VA with a view towards getting back into shape. Because, clearly, I don't pay attention. The infomercials themselves say they're for folks in shape, looking to get into better shape. And while in VA I was far from being in shape. But in my former-Marine-what-can't-I-do? mentality I ordered them and then proceeded to be embarrassed and have my ass kicked by not being able to keep up with them. So the answer to the what-can't-I-do? question is apparently a whole hell of a lot when you haven't worked out in couple years.

But I think that after 7 months of kicking the absolute worst of the rust off I'll be able to hang with them, and I did bring them here with me to the land of the Rising Sun when I came over. Too bad it took me 3 and a half years to use them.

So sometime this week I'll take the Fit Test [PDF] and make sure I'm up to snuff, and then next Monday I'll kick off a 90 day cycle.

I think it'll be good in that in terms of sheer volume, it's a lot more work than BFL and I think that's kind of what I need right now. And while it is a 7 day a week workout scheme, it has built in yoga and stretching work, which'll ensure I start adding some stuff to my workouts [flexibility and mobility] that I've been meaning to, and failing to, for a while.

And also, it has more of an emphasis on fat loss and muscular endurance rather than size and bulk. So while visions of the Incredible Hulk may dance in my head, what I really need to do first is get lean and lose all this flab. While it is possible to add muscle and lose fat at the same time, it's easier to pick one goal and put more of your eggs in that basket, to torture that metaphor a bit.

But to continue my obstinance, I won't be following the P90X diet. I'm still gonna go mostly low carb/low glycemic/anabolic 6 days a week with one free day. But I'm gonna shoot for 5 meals a day, vice the 6 I was doing, plus I'm gonna pay more attention to the calorically dense low carb "go-to's" like butter, cream and mayo and I'm going to attenuate the free day. And still 2-3L water per day, at least.

Rough outline, starting from Monday, December 1st -

Weeks 1-3: Day 1 - Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X, Day 2 - Plyometrics, Day 3 - Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X, Day 4 - Yoga X, Day 5 - Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X, Day 6 - Kenpo X, Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch
Week 4: Day 1 - Yoga X, Day 2 - Core Synergistics, Day 3 - Kenpo X, Day 4 - X Stretch, Day 5 - Core Synergistics, Day 6 - Yoga X, Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch


  1. i'm nuts. i'm motivated enough to want to record my daily food intake and workout yet i'm not so inclined to actually write it in a journal. i decided i was going to use your training posts to record rather than my blog b/c hell, i don't want it on my blog :) besides, if i motivate you and you motivate me, that'll be our bonding for the next 10 years :)

    the two rules i will follow to get in shape are: 1) i will do my best to exercise daily, even if it's just walking 4 km to find a muay thai t-shirt; and 2) i will eat what i want but only before 9pm.

    Day 1
    exercise: an hour on the treadmill (30 minute run, 30 minute doing the ridiculous looking speed walking)
    food: sauteed zucchini and egg with rice (l), bite size cream puff (s), chicken, avocado, lettuce, and tomato sandwich on wheat with one fresh mango (d).
    drinks: 1.5 L water and a scrumdidaliupmtious iced milk thai tea.

  2. why mock?

    Day 2
    exercise: attempt to go to gym at 7am thwarted by caffiene in thai tea which led to my 5am bedtime. instead 30 minutes with an elastic band. such a pretty butterfly i am. better than pretzel.
    food: rice noodle with egg and chicken (l), baby blueberry muffin (s), mushroom soup, chinese kale in oyster sauce, slice of garlic toast, half a fresh mango, and half a fresh pineapple (d).
    drink: 1.5L water. must sleep tonight.

  3. "why mock?"

    'cindi said... i'm nuts... i decided i was going to use your training posts to record rather than my blog b/c hell, i don't want it on my blog :)'

    I mock not your PT, but your logic.

  4. well that's totally acceptable.

    day 3 - conference day 1
    exercise: does wandering the night bizarre for a muay thai t-shirt count? btw, is the shirt supposed to be soft cotton or is any cotton/any muay thai shirt okay?
    food: buffet - one plate food, one plate fruit, two shot classes of chocolate and blueberry mousse (l), eggplant masala, one roti, veggie samosa, mango smoothie (d).
    drinks: 2.5 L water, cuppa tea

    day 4 - conference day 2
    exercise: sad sad sad...
    food: buffet - one plate food, cup of soup, small plate of fruits, one shot glass of mousse (l), t-day dinner buffet (one plate) including turkey, mashed potato, sauteed pumpkin and potato, pumpkin souffle, green beans, roll, cream of spinach soup, thin slice pumpkin cheesecake, think slice apple pie (d)...yum yum...turkey coma calling me...
    drink: 2.5 L water, 2 cuppa tea

  5. "well that's totally acceptable."

    Gee... thanks? ;)

    No worries about the shirt, anything is okay. If it's turning into a pain in the ass, don't sweat it. I just figured they'd still be ubiquitously/tourist-ly available... If no, no big thing.

  6. the problem isn't finding muay thai shirts. i've just been looking for ones that are soft cotton rather than the typical harder cotton t-shirts. your option is soft cotton t-shirts with odd logos (e.g., "ipood") or harder cotton t-shirts with muay thai images. let me know what to pick up.

    day 5 - conference day 3
    exercise: oops...
    food: buffet - one plate food, one small plate fruit, one bowl soup (l), deep fried banana (s), asparagus and chinese mushroom in oyster sauce, rice (d)
    drink: 1.5 L water, 1 half-pint beer, 1 small thai tea

  7. oh! context. in her original email to me about the shirts, sandy said you liked the muay thai shirts you picked up b/c of the feel and how soft they were...i think something about working out in them. that's why i've been looking for soft cotton muay thai shirts. i realize you want muay thai shirts but don't know which is more important for your exercise: 1) soft cotton muay thai; 2) any cotton muay thai; or 3) soft cotton any design.

  8. I'll go with "any muay thai"... preferably tank tops.

    Muchas gracias for the consideration and work.

  9. okey dokey.

    day 6
    exercise: once again, slacker.
    food: yogurt, bowl of cereal (l), rice with minced chicken meat, half a pineapple, one papaya (d)
    drink: 1L water

    day 7
    exercise: 5km trek to the sunday walking market and my wallet got a work out.
    food: thanksgiving part deux (turkey, gravy, mashed potato, cranberry sauce, cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin pie w/whipped cream (l/d), small ear of corn, one papaya, half a pineapple (s).
    drink: 2.5L water and half a cuppa tea.
