
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

President Barack Obama.

At elementary school today, and it was still the topic of the day. Teachers asking me "Did you vote?" "Could you vote?" "Who do you like?"

It was after lunch and recess, and during cleaning time, when they turned on the TV in the teacher's room and I saw that Obama had the electoral votes.

The first black man elected President of the United States.

I'll be damned.

I'm so cautiously optimistic. I mean, I'm still pissed at his flip and his vote on FISA. And his support for the bailout doesn't make me like him any more...


There's so much potential there. There's so much that he could mean and do for America right now, where, honestly, it feels like it's struggling for its place and its purpose in the world. I'm probably the least patriotic person I know [well, except for Jr... Hi Jr!] but still, I want an America that lives up to the promise of its potential. I really do.

There's something... I mean, I'm watching the acceptance speech, catching what I can through the Japanese translators talking over him, and I've Japanese elementary school kids in the room saying "ometetou Obama!" [congratulations Obama] This has a chance to mean quite a bit, for America and for the world even, and I sincerely I hope they don't fuck it up. [Yes, that's my version of being optimistic.]

Regardless, whether I agree with the man on every aspect of policy, he really has had to be the Jackie Robinson of politics. They always say that Robinson wasn't the most gifted or talented guy playing in the Negro Leagues at the time, but he was the only guy who had the right mix of talent and temperament to be the first guy brought up to the majors. And Obama has certainly had the required discipline, panache, gravitas and patience to weather what he has, and the man got it done, no doubt.

I mean, a black man won the state of Virginia in the Presidential election. [That's right, my vote counts.] And as of now, is tied 50-50 in my home state of NC. And having grown up there, that's just freaking phenomenal. The only way I could be more surprised is if Obama won Texas. [Which yes, would never happen.]

And last but not least, let's not forget to take a moment to thank GWBush and the GOP, who so fucked up and fucked over the country for the last 8 years, that a majority of Americans said "You know what? I'm gonna vote for the black guy with the Muslim name. Who they say is a socialist who hangs around with terrorists. Because he couldn't possibly be any worse." Your incompetence has been matched only by your venality. You shall not be missed.


  1. It must seem, especially for those who originally voted Democrat in 2000, that a long nightmare has ended.

    To paraphrase the comic book guy:

    Worst. President. Ever.

  2. "Worst. President. Ever."

