
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Okay, heedless optimism over... time to start paying attention again.

The worser of two evils is on the way out the door, so the lesser of two evils is to be watched more carefully...

Dedroidify: This is not Consensus 'Reality':
"This on the left is not Obama's foreign policy advisor... supporter/creator of the Jihad movement aka Al Qaeda.

Rahm Emmanuel, recently anounced Obama's Chief of Staff is not a pro-war zionist who used to be a volunteer in the Israeli army, or was on the board of directors of Freddie Mac during their scandal.

This is not evidence that Climate Change/Global Warming is part of a natural cycle. (Global Warming alarmists & Carbon Tax advocates use evidence of a few 100 years at most. Btw, you don't have to endorse a questionable theory to be truly pro-environmentalism, when is the last time you heard "pollution" on the news?)"

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