
Friday, November 21, 2008

Maybe the best book title ever: "Debt is Slavery."

Indeed. I'm going to pick this up. The full review over at the Simple Dollar is worth a read as well.

The Simple Dollar » Review: Debt is Slavery
"Chapter 1 - Debt is Slavery
Mihalik opens the book with what I’ve started to call the “Dave Ramsey argument.” Debt is Slavery makes the case that all debt is bad because it restricts your freedom. Even if you’re borrowing to put yourself in a better position long term, you’re still restricted by having that debt load hanging over you - the monthly debt payments and so on. Mihalik’s solution? No debt of any kind, not even debt that you could pay off if you wanted to.

Chapter 2 - Time May Not Be Money, But Money Definitely Is Time...
Remember, what you’re really working for is time - time to enjoy the aspects of your life that bring you happiness and pleasure.

Chapter 3 - Possessions Are a Prison
The third chapter brings another stern point - that the most valuable parts of your life aren’t things, but experiences. Thus, the stuff you buy is effectively paid for by lost experiences...

Chapter 4 - Be Aware of the Ongoing Campaign to Separate You from Your Money
Chapter 5 - Money Buys Freedom
Chapter 6 - Don’t Sell Your Soul For A Salary
Chapter 7 - Own
Chapter 8 - Spend Less Than You Earn By Controlling Your Expenses
Chapter 9 - Save 50 Percent of Your Salary
Chapter 10 - Control Your Money or Your Money Will Control You
Chapter 11 - A Bonus
You’re never as young again as you are right now, so why not get started?"

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