
Monday, November 24, 2008

Elementary school festival coolness.

The kids begin performing at an early age in Japan... This is from a local community festival held at one of the elementary schools I teach at. Kids are well rehearsed, and too adorable.
From 2008-11-16

From 2008-11-16

From 2008-11-16

From 2008-11-16

Local entertainment.
From 2008-11-16

From 2008-11-16

Japan=Synchronized Dance.
From 2008-11-16

Occasionally, I have to amuse myself with my students.
From 2008-11-16

The throwing of the mochi.
From 2008-11-16

Games aplenty.
From 2008-11-16

This year's festival had a really kick-ass taiko group.
From 2008-11-16

For one of the numbers they had folks from the audience come up and play, including one obvious-stands-out-in-a-crowd gaijin.
From 2008-11-16

With no music talent to speak of, I reverted to eskrima striking patterns I learned back in Hawaii.
From 2008-11-16

Bonus: it's a small local community, so the farmers were selling fresh veg. For cheap. Tomatoes, broccoli, sweet potatoes...
From 2008-11-16

I had to buy extra because they cleverly had the munchkins selling some of the goods.
From 2008-11-16

From 2008-11-16

Try to not find this adorable. I dare you.
From 2008-11-16

That's "L-O-V-E" if you ain't paying attention.
From 2008-11-16

Elementary schoolkids dancing and lipsynching J-Pop. God bless Japan.
From 2008-11-16

From 2008-11-16

From 2008-11-16

The kid in the yellow and white was pretty good. He got funky.
From 2008-11-16

From 2008-11-16

From 2008-11-16

From 2008-11-16

Video Highlights of the day [click the image.]
From 2008-11-16

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